Rajasthan Forest Guard | Forester old paper 2014 2013 2012 2011

Download Rajasthan Forest Guard Vanrakshak and Forester Vanpal old paper 2014 2013 to 2012.
Post name :- Forest Guard and Forester 2015
Total no of post :- 1) Forest Guard 1473(non tsp) and 327 (tsp)
 2)Forester 193(non tsp)  45(tsp)
Education :- 1) forest Guard - 10th pass
2) forester - 12th pass
Age:- 18 to 35
Application of start date -16/11/2015
Last date of application - 2/12/2015
Exam date :- Forest guard -29/12/2015
Forester - 28/12/2015

Our team Uplode previous forest guard question papers will be soon........


  1. RPSC Vacancies 2016 details will be released soon. all job seekers are advised to check RPSC Vacancies 2016 notification on the official website of RPSC to apply online for RPSC Vacancies 2016 application before last date.
    check RPSC Vacancies 2016 for more.
    RPSC Vacancies 2016 details.

  2. Rajasthan Forest Guard Recruitment 2015 Notification to check eligibility criteria ( education + Age) to apply online for Rajasthan Forest Guard Recruitment 2015 application before last date.
    Check Rajasthan Forest Guard Recruitment 2015 details in the official notification of Rajasthan Forest Guard.
    Rajasthan Forest Guard Recruitment 2015 details are here.
