2022 Best SSC CPO Book List to Get success on First attempt

In India, SSC CPO is a popular job profile who wants to join forces and every year many aspirants take an exam to make there dream come true but when they start they confuse which book should we choose here we share the best SSC CPO 2022 book list.

SSC CPO BOOK LIST, Best Book for SSC CPO 2022
Best Book for SSC CPO 2022-2023

Here we share the best SSC CPO book recommended by SSC toppers and aspirants community.irrespective of your proficiency, you will find a book that will suit your requirement.


1. Best English Comprehension  - English is an important part of the SSC CPO exam because it is asked in both pre and main exams. In the pre-exam total 50 questions are asked and in mains total no of questions are 200 each question marks is 1. In English, you should focus on vocab and grammar sections.

s.no Book Author
1 English grammar Neetu Singh
2 Error detection A mirror of common error
3 vocab & one word Word power made easy

Pro tips

a. For Reading Comprehension read daily English newspapers like THE Hindu.

b.news paper also helps you to improve vocab and fill in the blank section.

2. Best General Knowledge - gk is a very vast subject in this section they are asked questions from different sections like history, polity, economics, geography, science, current affairs. total of 50 questions asked in this section depends on examiner like some time they asked 15-20 questions from the science section but now a day they are asked from the current section so you should focus on current affairs. my advice to focus on current affairs, economics and science section to get a good score.

s.no Book Author
1 General Knowledge lucent gk
2 General science Lucent science
3 Current affairs The Hindu

Pro tips

a.for current affairs read daily newspaper focus on an award, sports, and government scheme.

b.daily cover one static gk topic like headquarters, currency, capital, first men and women, bigger and smaller, a nickname of cities, etc.

c.atlest solve 100 MCQ daily.

3. Best Quantitative Aptitude for SSC CPO - in quant you should focus on speed now a day everyone knows the solution but they don't know how to solve the question within 5-10 sec, so improve your calculation speed.

in this section, they asked 50 questions 50 marks. my advice to focus on geometry, trigonometry and mensuration section.

s.no Book Author
1 choice 1 Quant Rakesh Yadav sir
2 choice 2 Quant R.S Agarwal

Pro tips

a.improve your calculation speed.

b.find some tricks to solve the question without pen and paper.

c.atlest remember 1 to 20 tables, 1- 40 square root, 1-20 cube root.

d.you should remember all formula at the tip of your fingers.

4. Book for General Intelligence & Reasoning- it is the easy scoring section you easily get 40-45 marks out of 50.for this section you should have clear basic knowledge of all chapters than practice from practice sets.

Exam pattern of SSC CPO exam

s.no subject Marks Questions
1 English Comprehension 50 50
2 General Knowledge 50 50
3 Quantitative Aptitude 50 50
4 General Intelligence & Reasoning 50 50

Conclusion - friend these are the best book for SSC CPO exam all these books are available in both Hindi and English language. we hope you like it and in the future, we update more books to achieve your goals.